GALERIE FOTO – Cadre senzationale de la The Nature Photography Contest 2023
Last Updated on 20/01/2024 by Iulian Gavriluta

The Nature Photography Contest 2023 FOTOCele mai frumoase si premiate fotografii (The Nature Photography Contest 2023)…SELECTIE!

1. Plant Life – Winner: Pandora by Marcio Cabral

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2. Wildlife – Finalist: Carefree Tigresses by Turgay Uzer

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3. Plant Life – Finalist: Autumn Solo by Lukasz Maliszewski

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4. Underwater – Finalist: A jugar by Arturo de Frias Marques

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5. Birds – Finalist: Stare contest by Geir Ludvigsen

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6. Night World – Finalist: Milky Way in Namibia by Ulrich Wrabetz

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7. Sharing the Planet – Finalist: Parallel World by Radoslav Sviretsov

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8. Night World – Finalist: Milky Way over Turquoise Wonderland by Peter Horalek
